To recap my connection to the family - Sarah Ann Allington was my 3x G Grandmother. She married Henry Abbott and her daughter, my 2x G Grandmother Louisa Abbott married William Grant. Their daughter Annie Elizabeth Grant married William McClellan, and their daughter Bettie McClellan was my grandmother.
George Allington was Sarah Ann's brother. The family is quite convoluted as there are several illegitimate births, however it appears all of these children joined the family in New Zealand as well.
John Allington (1806-1875) and Mary Moss had the following children
George Allington 1832-1913 ( Emigrated in 1874 to NZ on the Crusader) - George's wife Hannah Robbins had an illegitimate daughter, Mary Robbins who married James Watson and this family also emigrated to NZ on the Crusader with George and Hannah)
Mary Allington 1835- 1859
Charles Allington 1840-1913 (The only living child who remained in the UK, dying in Cheshire)
Sarah Ann Allington (1841-1912) Emigrated in 1874 to NZ on the Tweed) with her husband Henry Abbott and children
Charlotte Allington (1843-1913) Emigrated in 1874 to NZ on the Crusader) Charlotte had 2 illegitimate sons, Charles and George. Both emigrated to NZ on the Crusader with Charlotte and her husband Daniel Lindon. Charles is listed in the passenger list as Charles Allington but George is listed as George Lindon, however later in NZ is known as George Allington
Elizabeth Allington (1847-1859)
Lucy Allington (1849-1943) Emigrated in 1874 to NZ on the Tweed with her husband James West and children
When George Allington led a party of over 200 agricultural labourers and their families to New Zealand aboard the SS Crusader in 19874 he was not the first in his family to arrive. In fact just 3 weeks before the Crusader left Plymouth for Lyttleton, his sister Sarah Ann with her husband Henry Abbott, and their children, and his sister Lucy and her husband James West and their children had arrived in Otago. It would be certain that George had already made the decision to come, before receiving word from his sisters as to the suitability of life in their new home.
George, Sarah Ann and Lucy had 2 more siblings living at the time of their emigration, Charles (who was in the Army and the only sibling to remain in the UK) and Charlotte, who with her husband Daniel Lindon, her two sons born previous to their marriage, and the couple’s own children joined George on the clipper ship Crusader on 25th September 1874.
George invited his adult son Charles to join him on the voyage, and Charles accepted, marrying Hannah Wright just 2 days before the family left for Plymouth.
Additionally George’s wife Hannah Robbins had a daughter Mary born before her marriage to George. Mary Robbins married James Watson, and they too boarded the Crusader on 25th September 1874 with their infant son Charles who sadly died on the arduous ocean voyage. Mary was pregnant when she boarded and gave birth on board to son Ernest Watson on December 16th 1874.
Based just on these two voyages, 31 people, nearly 2 complete generations of Allingtons left all they knew for a new life in the Antipodes.
Arrived on the Tweed 3 September 1874
ABBOTT Henry 38
Sarah 36
Louisa 16
Frederick 14
Sarah 13
Phoebe 9
Arthur 5
Lucy 3
Mary 8 months
WEST James 28
George 6
Edward 4
William 9 months
Arrived on the Crusader 31 December 1874
Hannah 43
Charles 20
Hannah 21
Emily 17
Elizabeth 14
William 12
LINDON Daniel 30
Charlotte 31
George 9 (Allington)
Edward 6
John 3
ALLINGTON Charles 12
WATSON James 35
Mary 24
Charles W 1 dies on board 19/11/1874
Ernest Born on board 16/12/1874
I am trying to find out who the parents of Norman George Allington (c1918-1973) were. There were not that many Allington couples having children around the time he was born, and only 2 of the Allington fathers had history in the Canterbury/Otago area; they were Charles Henry Allington and Frederick William Allington. Hoping you can help.